However, our season is over and the other two excuses really don't hold up very well when I take the coaching aspect out of it, so here is my attempt to be better!
At 3 months he was smiling more often and pretty much eating his life away. He was so sweet and cried for two reasons and two reasons only: hunger or exhaustion. Those were the days:)
Here is Graham at 4 months old. You may be asking yourself what he is staring at. . . it's the TV. This was when we started to realize that Graham LOVED the TV, he would have stared at it for hours if we let him. We always tried to situate him so that he couldn't see it, but as you can see from the picture he pretty much outsmarted us every single time.
Graham finally started to roll over at this age. It took him a little longer than most babies, I think just because his body was enormous (that's what I tell myself anyway). He could only roll from his back onto his stomach and 2 months later he still can not roll onto his back. It's possible that my child is a little slow:)
We started feeding Graham rice cereal at 4 months. He wasn't sure what to think about it at first but after a few weeks he got the hang of it. A lot more smiles at this stage and even an occasional laugh if we were lucky. Still as sweet as could be, I can only pray the rest of my babies were like this kid the first 4 months!
He is adorable! I can't wait to give him a squeeze